Emsculpt's powerful non-invasive treatment is best for strengthening and tightening muscles.
How Does Emsculpt Work?
The non-invasive HIFEM® (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) technology induces powerful muscle contractions not achievable through voluntary contractions. When exposed to strong contractions, the muscle tissue is forced to adapt to such extreme condition. It responds with a deep remodeling of its inner structure that results in muscle building and sculpting your body.
What is the Recovery Like?
The EmSculpt is non-invasive and requires no recovery time or any pre/post treatment preparation. The EmSculpt procedure feels like an intensive workout. You can lay down and relax during the treatment.
How Long is the Procedure?
30 minute treatment with minimum of 4 sessions scheduled 2-3 days apart. Your provider will help you create a treatment plan tailored to your specific goals.
When Will I See Results?
You begin to feel tangible results right after the treatment. Positive results are usually reported two to four weeks after the last session and continue to improve for several weeks following the treatments.